Friday 17 February 2012

Welcome to the world of blogging...

Here's to my first post :) I'm new to blogging so I hope all goes well. I should probably start by introducing myself just a little.

My name is Hannah and I'm in university studying English Literature and Classical History. I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I have been with for three years, he prefers not to be named so I'm going to call him H2B, my Husband 2 Be. I live in the UK, which is mainly cold and wet but is also beautiful and breathtaking at times.

I have arthritis, I was diagnosed with JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) when I was three. In a recent doctor's appointment I was told that they are going to treat it as RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) and put me on auto-immune medication to try and help. I have had my right wrist fused and know in the future my left will meet the same fate.

I guess this blog is going to act as my venting system, somewhere I can talk about what I want to. I'm hoping (if anyone even reads this) to find people like me who've had arthritis at a young age and see how their lives are effected, maybe also raise awareness that not only the elderly are affected. I'm also planning my wedding (which won't be for years yet, but hey a girl can dream), working hard in university, trying to learn to cook and reading nearly everything I can get my hands on. I know H2B gets a little tired of listening to me rabbit on about something he has no interest in, so maybe this will be a way to find people who are interested in the same things as me. :)

So that's it then, my first post. :D

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