Thursday 23 February 2012

Is It Too Late...

My family asked me the other day why I haven't had an engagement party.My mother gave me 500 pounds and said either you get a new car (which we needed) or you have an engagement party.  At the time we needed a new car so the money my mother gave us went on that instead and now we don't really have the cash.

My family said they would help with whatever they could so that if we do decided to have an engagement party it wouldn't be so hard. My aunt and my nan said they'd do the food, my cousin would DJ, my sister would help decorate and so on. 

But we've been engaged for over a year now, is it too late to have a party? Especially since my mother and my other sister aren't supportive at all? My mother said that she would be extremely angry and wants her 500 pounds back if we had a party. My dad's side (my nan and my aunts ect.) said we should just have the party and not invite her. 

My whole engagement feels a bit like an anti-climax. I'm so happy and certain that the H2B is the man for me, but my family don't seem happy for us at all, well my mother and my sister at least. When I told my mother that H2B has proposed on a weekend away she didn't congratulate me or ask me if I was sure and happy. She just said 'oh, I knew he would' and walked off. 

Any way, thought I'd show off my lovely engagement ring :)

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