Friday 24 February 2012

Sore All Over...

I ache. I ache nearly everywhere! I've booked a visit to my GP on Monday to see if this is normal and to get some painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs or something. Strange that I've never been given anything despite the pain I'm in, my dad reckons it's because I don't speak out enough. It must be, on my last hospital visit the nurse told me 'Don't suffer in silence'. All very dramatic and the lot, but usually the pain is manageable, its bearable. I don't want to waste doctors time, especially as I've managed to go through the majority of my life just fine. 

But on the sulfasalazine my body aches. My elbow was hurting yesterday, it's locked before and it clicks when I move it but never has it hurt. The rest of my joints seem to be all moaning as well. I just want everything to be okay. I've had a wrist fusion and now my dad's family treat me like I'm made of glass. My nan wouldn't even let me grate cheese the other day! My cousin asked me the other day if I needed help to do the buttons on my coat up! Admittedly my coat is awkward and I button the opposite way I would normally, but I am still capable of such mundane things. 

The wrist fusion is scary and I'm still trying to get used to it a year down the line. I still imagine that I'm able to bend my wrist sometimes, without even thinking about it, and manage to elbow the person next to me. I still go to put my face in my hands when I'm bored in a lecture without realising and end up even more uncomfortable. Well at least my person space has grown since those who know me try to give me room to manoeuvre. 

I honestly don't know how I will cope with both wrists done (as the doctor has told me they eventually will do the left. It's a problem now because of my age.) People out there have it done all the time and they still manage and cope and live their lives to the best they can. That's what I've got to keep thinking, stay positive and stop being such a wimp, there is always some one worse off than you. 

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